Laura Bardolph
Laura co-founded BBH Literary after serving as director of marketing and publicity at Eerdmans Publishing. She has handled publicity campaigns for a wide range of trade and academic books. She has secured excerpts of books in Christianity Today, the Christian Century, and Sojourners; media coverage of books in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The New Yorker, First Things, America, and Religion News Service; and interviews in Publishers Weekly and on the Everything Happens podcast, among others. She is the editor of Means of Grace: A Year of Weekly Devotions by Fleming Rutledge.
David Bratt
With over twenty years of experience in publishing, David co-founded BBH Literary after serving as executive editor at Eerdmans Publishing. He has developed, edited, and helped bring to market over a hundred books, including several that received starred reviews in Publishers Weekly and two that became cover stories for Christianity Today. With a PhD in American religion from Yale University, David has spent his career studying trends in the world of faith. He has presented at the Calvin Festival of Faith and Writing, the American Society of Church History, the Louisville Institute, and the University of Notre Dame, among other venues. He has been quoted in numerous articles on publishing trends in Publishers Weekly and other publications.